Sunday, 2 October 2011


Its been busy since I last posted!  Went to Leeds to see Andy for his housewarming party at his new (very swish) Leeds city centre apartment.  We had a lovely time both out on a night out and the next day, where we went to a Damien Hirst exhibition, curry festival and Tea out.  Was very exciting.  Really enjoyed Hirst's Superstition and Buttery Painting's.  

This past week I've also started a new job as a support worker and also got a new HTC phone joining the 21st century at last in technology standards, although Andy does find it amusing that I am so paranoid that google wants to track my position at all times, but at the same time, why should I let some company decide what it does with my personal information.  Same with Facebook really, as I have been giving some thought to deleting my account....

But back to the business of travel.  We are no further along with the planning, apart from the date for buying out plane tickets has been put back to late January due to money constraints, but I feel we still should plan trip before Christmas even if we do not book until afterwards.  And on the plus side, we now have 1 year to go.... How truly exciting.

Monday, 19 September 2011

So It begins

Me and Andy have made our first trip to STA (in Leeds), I think its really helped just to clarify to us that our trip is possible with the unfortunate exception of India Vs. Japan, which I knew might be a problem.  The problem is I have wanted to go to India since I was a little girl.  My Dad gave me a Indian Barbie doll when I was little, and ever since then I have been entranced by the culture.  Andy however isn't so bothered about India, as he wants to visit the technology mecca that is Japan, and sadly I don't think either of us will budge and unless we can find a suitable solution (which unfortunately won't be traveling to Japan from Australia to have a mini holiday, as the flights just back from Japan to Australia are £1000 each, I think I actually squealed when we found that out) we might have to flip a coin to decide our beginning city! But either way im still so excited.  We still have one long year to go. but its an amazing start!